Noriko Fujita (Japan)

Noriko is the Japanese publisher for Understanding the Silent Communication of Dogs.

“..I am a translator/interpreter and my dog’s mom, living in the suburbs of Tokyo.

I was introduced to Rosie by our mutual friend when she was looking for a translator for her book “Understanding the Silent Communication of Dogs” to be published in Japan.

I clearly remember the time when I read the book for the first time. Powerful messages yet easy to read and understand and I felt Rosie’s warmth. I knew that Japanese people will benefit so much from this book. I am grateful that Rosie has entrusted me with the translation. My biggest challenge was for Rosie’s warmth to be projected even when the book was in another language.

The book has received great reviews and helped lots of dog moms and dads in Japan. And it definitely made me a better mom for my dogs…”